Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Rise and Fall of King Saul

Sorry it has been awhile since I posted anything, but I actually started working on this entry about 3 weeks ago! It's just taken me a while to find the time to finish it.

So in January, I started leading a Bible study on the life of David. Now I have read these stories before, but only in a casual way. So it really has been rewarding to take a closer look at the Life of King David. Since Saul the first king of Israel plays such an important part in David's story, it only seemed right to start by taking a quick look at him.

And what we see is that Saul started out as a good king. After his anointing as king in 1 Samuel 10, we read about Saul's first challenge to his authority and subsequent victory. In 1 Samuel 11, Nahash the Ammonite lays seige to Jabesh Gilead. When Saul hears of this, he rallies his army and defeats the Ammonites.

Now two things stand out to me about this event. The first is what Saul was doing when he received the word of the attack on Jabesh Gilead. 1 Samuel 11:5 tells us that Saul was returning home with his oxen after working in his field. Wow! The King of Israel doing the work of a common laborer. At this point Saul was still grounded with his people.

The second is Saul's response in victory. 1 Samuel 11:12-15 some of the people wanted to kill those who had opposed Saul in becoming king. And with his popularity due to his military victory, Saul could have easily ordered this. Instead, Saul told them, "No one shall be put to death today, for this day the LORD has rescued Israel." And then Samuel taking Saul's lead, leads the people in the worship of the LORD.

But what a drastic comparision can be made between the Saul of chapter 11 and chapter 15.

Of course by chapter 15, we already know things are not going to end well for Saul. In 1 Samuel 13, his impatients in waitning on Samuel and preforming a sacrifice on his own has already led to the foretelling that the kingdom will not remain with his family. And in 1 Samuel 14 we see that Saul is not a man who can keep an oath before God (even though if he had, it would have meant the death of Jonathan).

However I believe the greatest break from God occurs in 1 Samuel 15. Here we see that Saul is given strick instructions on how to fight the Amalekites, but doesn't follow them. Instead, he spares the king's life and he takes plunder in livestock.

But notice that when Samuel hears of what Saul has done, where is Saul to be found? Verse 12 says that Saul has gone to Carmel to set up a monument (do we dare say idol?) to himself because of his victory! Where is the man that insisted of giving God the credit for victory in chapter 13?

And then to make his rebellion against God complete, he lies twice about why he allowed livestock to be taken. First in verse 21 he says the best were kept in order to sacrafice them to God. To which Samuel gives the famous line, "to obey is better than sacrafice." The second lie occurs in verse 24 when he says he allowed his men to take the animals as plunder because he was afraid of them. Saul, a man who stood literally a head and shoulders above everyone else in Israel, is more afriad of his own men than he is of God? Now you see why I call this the second lie.

So is it any wonder that in the next chapter, God has Samuel select the sheperd boy David as a new anointed one. It will be another 40 years before Saul's rebellion against God leads to his own suicide in 1 Samuel 31 and David takes the throne, but the seperation is complete here in chapter 15.

The story of Saul is the story of a man who started off right with the Lord, but allowed the power of his position to lead him astray.


Kelly said...

Okay bubba the purpose of a blog is to keep it updated :P

Anonymous said...

Samuel was born of Hannah who could not concieve a child at first but her vow to the most high was to make sure a male child is brought up proper in the sight of the most high. Sure enough she has Samuel who bonded with the priest Eli. Because Eli's sons were rebellious, Eli spent much time with Samuel especially because he was witness to Hannah's prayer that she recieve a son. As a boy Samuel was sleeping and heard his name being called. He assumed it was Eli and came running. This happened three times and Eli told Samuel that if he hear this again that he respond " here I am Lord" and request the Lord to continue speaking with him. Samuel as a young man prophesied with the prophets of his time and was destined to be a great judge over Israel. The stiff necked Israelites complained that they didn't have a king like unto their neighbors so the most high sent forth Saul a tall Benjamite to become king. During his rule the ammonites had to get jacked up and the philistines took the ark of the covenant. Because of this they were given hemrhoids and returned the ark back to the Hebrews. Eventually the philistines got the best of Saul because a giant philistine named Goliath was taken out by a young boy from Bethlehem named David. This made Saul wroth because chicks were giving more honours to David than to Saul. As a servant of the lord and a servant of king Saul he did his best to avoid Saul. One night David test the host of king Saul as he lay asleep with his host and he snatched his spear, because David was under the impression that Saul was tracking him down again. Sure enough David fled the sight of Saul and returned to accompany the philistines and the town he was given. There is much important information in this book of Samuel but another thing for sure is that Doeg waS Assyrian NOT an Edomite! Shalam!